Candi Borobudur is the world's largest Buddhist temple, located at Borobudur village, sub district of Borobudur, approximately 3 miles from the city of Mungkid. It was built by King Samaratungga from 762 BC ntil 824 BC. He was one of the kings of the ancient Mataram kingdom, the descendant of the house of Syailendra.
Sangiran region or "Sangiran Dome" is located at Krikilan village, the district of Kalijambe, approximately 3 km from Solo - Purwodadi highway. The visitors can learn about fossils such as ancient human fossils and its equipment, ancient animals and plants that lived at that time. This site is the most complete ancient human site in Asia that the stages can be seen in sequence without interruption since 2 million years ago, i.e. since the late of Pliocene until the end of middle Pleistocene.
The design of Candi Borobudur is 10 levels staircase whereas each level represents the stages of human life. The six lowest levels are square, the next three levels are circle and on the top of the level is the stupa of Buddhist facing to the west.
In terms of arts and crafts, Batik fashion has become a part of Javanese culture. Javanese Batik is claimed to be the best Batik in the world. Batik is derived from the combination of two Javanese words, amba (writing) and titik (dot). Batik has been developed in Java since the time of Majapahit kingdom and began to expand in the late 18 century. Initially, the variety of shades and colors of Batik were limited, even some limited figures were only used by certain circle. However, Batik Pesisir (coastal batik) absorbs various foreign influences, such as traders or invaders. Now, Batik became as a part of Javanese dress both formal and informal.
Keris is one of the nation traditional weapons. Keris is stabbing weapon with a pointed end and sharp on the right and left side, asymmetrical, as well as the winding blade. One of the museums in Central Java which has a keris collection is Museum Tosan Aji in Purworejo Regency. While the local craftsmen of keris are located at Solo and surrounding area.
Wayang is a performing art that uses the wayang (figures puppet that made of leather), fabric as a divider between the dalang with the audience, and accompanied by traditional gamelan music. The spectators can only watch the wayang movements through shadows falling on the kelir (slide). In general, a show of wayang tells the story of Ramayana or Mahabharata or local wisdom.
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